27 November, 2009

Eid Ul Adha Victims...

Postingan kali ini merupakan bagian kedua dari postingan yg dulu ttg idul fitri....

Kalo udah baca pasti mudeng....

Kamis kemaren gw dan 11 orang lainnya Nginep di Labsky untuk membantu guru menjaga dan memotong kambing... hyahya...

Seru abis...

(Maaf Postingan ini tidak baik dikonsumsi anak2 usia dibawah 12 tahun dan maaf karena banyak hal2 yang tidak berperikekambingan dan berperikemanusiaan...)

Lengkapnya gini:

Kamis, 26 Nov 2009

Sekitar 16:00

Kambing2 lain mulai berdatangan untuk menemani satu kambing yg dari hari Rabu (apa selasa ya?) sendirian di kantin lama... pokoknya abis 16:00, ada 3 kambing yg dipotong gtau buat apa.. (soalnya udah masuk 10 Dzulhijah)

16:00 - 17:30 (12+)

Kambing2 itu mulai bertindak tidak berperikemanusiaan.... (soalnya gw gatau apa semua kambing didunia kea gitu?)... Kambing2 itu nge-Gay... -,-

Kita semua tahu bahwa kambing-kambing kurban semuanya jantan.... Tapi sesaat setelah tiba, mereka malah bertindak tidak sopan (baca: NgeGay/5 1 3/ S*****)...

Ada kambing bule gitu... keriting dan rambutnya pirang... (sekarang udah meninggal) dia itu kea Alpha Male-nya kandang tersebut (apadeh).... Lagian semua kambingjantan tersebut "dikencanin"....


Habis puas ngeliatin kambing homo dan horny... gw dan myfriends mandi di Kamar Mandi SMA.... detailnya gamau gw kasitau...

Yg pasti pas gw ama yg lain udah selesai, masih ada 1 anak yg ketinggalan bernama arkan.... jadi gw sama yg lain pura2 keluar kamar mandi, trus si arkan nyanyi2 gajelas gitu... kenceng lg...

intinya habis itu... Arkan disiram2in dari atas, dan akhirnya kita tinggalin beneran tuh arkan dengan keadaan lampu kita matiin...

Abis itu gw sama yg laen buka puasa, abis itu solat magrib, abis itu makan malem pake nasi uduk-ayam-tempe-kerupuk....

Abis itu gw ke Circle K beli minum... abis itu solat isya..


Abis itu gw ama yg laen istirahat di mesjid.. Hakim, Adam, Dika, Arkan, Gibbon tadarus.. Akbar baca Quran sendiri, Gw baca2 arti2 surat dari Juz 30... Abis itu kita takbiran... Abis itu kita keliling2....

Peta Perjalanan:

Labsky --> CK --> Ruang Senirupa --> Ruang Matik --> Ruang Guru --> Sekom? --> Liatin sapi...

Abis liatin sapi, kita balik lg ke mesjid... istirahat bentar... gw sama adam, arkan, Gibbon maen Rise of Nation... (Btw hasif sama bagas sama rafi sama sabilal dari tadi ilang dan kita temuin di CK)

Abis maen RoN, yg laen giring kambing gitu.. gw gabisa lagi... sial....

pokoknya pas udah jam 11 gitu, gw ama yg laen mindahin barang ke ruang Mtk lantai 1 dan istirahat disana....

(Di ruang mtk, malem2nya sempet maen tepoknyamuk, terus becanda2, sampe Pak Hasim masuk...)

Intinya jam 00:30 yg lain udah pada tidur...

(Btw ruangannya dingiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin bgt gila... kebangun terus gw....)

Jum'at, 27 Nov 2009

00:30 - 6:30

Gw sama yg laen tidur...

Abis itu, jam 3:45, gw ama Gibbon bangun... sempet ke mesjid sih bentar... Tapi akhirnya gw ama gibbon bangunin yg lain... soalnya disuruh sama pak hari untuk siap2 jam 4: 05 di mesjid....

abis itu gw solat subuh, abis itu gw tidur2an + ganti baju buat persiapan solat ied...

Akhirnya jam 6:00 gw sampe di mesjid dan sempet ngeliatin kambing2 tsb. masih pada ngegay...

6:00 - 6: 30 itu gw ama yg lain takbiran...

6:30-7:30 ??

solat ied + khutbah yg pas khutbahnya, gw sama yg laen tidur

7:30 - 8: 00 ??

Sarapan lontong sayur

8:00 - 12:00

Pemotongan kambing dan sapi, total 104 kambing, 7 sapi

Sapi pertama yg dipotong sempet lepas setelah dirobohkan

gw bantu megangin sekitar 15 kambing dan semuanya gw pegang pada bagian yg sama: Pangkal paha depan...

pas kambing ke-10 yg gw pegang... kambingnya miss shelma, gw ketendang sama tuh kambing... alhasil tulang kering kaki kanan gw sekarang kea kegores gitu...

Akbar sama Sabilal sama Gibbon paling banyak kecipratan darah....

soalnya mereka megang bagian kepala....

Malahan darahnya sampe sempet2nya masuk ke mulut akbar...

intinya: kambing + sapi sisa dikit pas jam 10:30.....

jadi gw istirahat aja dulu.... (maen RoN)

gyahaha... abis itu gaada solat jumat, jadi gw bisa istirahat sampe jam 1:00

12:00 - 2:00

jam 12 itu ada makan siang.. lauknya sate kambing sama sop,.... (keanya sih sop kambing dan kambingnya adalah hasil sembelehan kemaren... alot gitu... tapi kuahnya enak abis...)

sampe jam 1 gw istirahat...

trus 12 anak yg ikutan nginep akhirnya dapet jatah daging sapi karena telah membantu.. thx...

jam 2 akhirnya gw dijemput.. Hiyahiya

yoha... itu aja dulu.. bye...

20 November, 2009


Hey Guys... Cuman iseng bikin postingan... Nih tugas buat ambil nilai ekskul prancis semester 1.... gw masukkin aja ke blog...

yaga? yaga? uyeeeh!!

(En Francais et Anglais et Phonologique Traduction et Indonesie)

Allah, il n'ya pas de Dieu, mais lui ... le Vivant, Celui qui soutient et protège tout ce qui existe ..... Ni somnolence ni sommeil ne le rejoindre .... A Lui appartient tout ce qui est dans les cieux et ce qui est sur la terre .... Qui est celui qui peut intercéder auprès de Lui sans Sa permission ... Il sait ce qui leur arrive (Ses créatures) dans ce monde, et ce qui va leur arriver dans thehereafter .... Et ils ne seront jamais rien de sa boussole de savoir que ce qu'il veut ... Son Kursi déborde les cieux et la terre .... et il ne ressent aucune fatigue dans la protection et la préservation de leur .... Et Il est le Très Haut, le Très Grand ....

Allah, there is no God but him... the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists..... Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him.... To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth.... Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission... He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in thehereafter.... And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills... His Kursî extends over the heavens and the earth.... and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them.... And He is the Most High, the Most Great.....

al-lāhu lā ilāha illā huwa l-ḥayyu l-qayyūmu lā ta’ḫuḏuhu sinätu-n wa lā nawmu-n lahu mā fī s-samawāti wa mā fī l-arḍi man ḏā llaḏī yašfa’u ‘indahu illā bi iḏnihi ya’lamu mā bayna aydīhim wa mā ḫalfahum walā yuḥīṭūna bi šay’i-n min ‘ilmihi illā bi mā šā’a wasi’a kursiyuhu s-samawāti wa l-arḍa walā ya’uduhu ḥifẓuhumā wa huwa l-‘aliyyu l-‘aẓīm

Allah, tidak ada tuhan selain Dia. Yang Maha Hidup, Yang terus menerus mengurus (makhluk-Nya), Tidak mengantuk, Tidak tidur...Milik-Nya apa yang ada di langit dan apa yang ada di bumi. Tidak ada yang dapat memberi syafaat di sisi-Nya tanpa izin-Nya... Dia mengetahui apa yang dihadapan mereka
Dan apa yang dibelakang mereka... Dan mereka tidak mengetahui sesuatu apa pun tentang ilmu-Nya melainkan apa yang Dia kehendaki. Kursi-Nya meliputi langit dan bumi. Dan Dia tidak merasa berat memelihara keduanya... dan Dia Maha Tinggi, Maha Besar...

13 November, 2009

The Beatles

Oke2... Disini mungkin hanya satu2nya wadah gw bisa membuat tribute to beatles.... Thx beatles... You're the Best.... Your song menemani saya saat di mobil.. Gyahaha.... You all are sooooo Cool.... I wish to lived at your side... But i hope it won't happen... Because I want to make another Beatles in my Era....

Thx The Beatles....

This is a tribute for You all.....

The Long And Winding Road

The long and winding road
That leads to your door

Will never disappear
I've seen that road before

It always leads me here
Lead me to your door.

The wild and windy night
That the rain was
hed away

Has left a pool of tears
Crying for the day.

Why leave me standing here?

Let me know the way.

Many times I've been alone
And many times I've cried,

Anyway you've always known
The many ways I've tried.

And still they lead me back
To the long, winding road

You left me standing here
A long, long time ago

Don't leave me standing here
Lead me to your door.

But still they lead me back

To the long winding road

You left me standing here
A long, long time ago (ohhh)

Don't keep me waiting here (don't keep me waiting)

Lead me to your door. (yeah yeah yeah yeah)

In My Life

There are places I remember
All my life though some have changed

Some forever not for better

Some have gone and some remain

All these places had their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall

Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all

But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you

And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new

Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before

I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more

Though I know I'll never lose affection

For people and things that went before

I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more In my life I love you more

Dedicated to:

John Winston Lennon (John Lennon)(9 Oktober 1940 – 8 Desember 1980)

George Harrison (25 Februari 1943 – 29 November 2001)

James Paul McCartney (Paul McCartney) ( 18 Juni 1942)

Richard Starkey (Ringo Starr) ( 7 Juli 1940)

The Beatles Will Live Forever.....

(Postingan Lebay Gila)

Please Please Me (Beatles)

Last night I said these words to my girl I know you never even try, girl

Come on, come on, come on, come on Please, please me, wo yeah, like I please you

You don't need me to show the way, love
Why do I always gave to sat, love

Come on, come on, come on, come on Please, please me, wo yeah, like I please you

I don't want to sound complaining but you know there's always rain in my heart

I do all the pleasing with you,
it's so hard to reason with you

wo yeah, why do you make me blue?

Last night I said these words to my girl I know you never even try, girl

Come on, come on, come on, come on Please, please me, wo yeah, like I please you

wo yeah, like I please you
wo yeah, like I please you

Get Back (Beatles)

Jojo was a man who thought he was a loner But he knew it couldn't last Jojo left his home in Tucson, Arizona For some California grass

Get back, get back Get back to where you once belonged Get back, get back Get back to where you once belonged Get back, Jojo Go home

Get back, get back Back to where you once belonged Get back, get back Back to where you once belonged Get back, Jo

Sweet Loretta Martin thought she was a woman
But she was another man All the girls around her say she's got it coming But she gets it while she can

Get back, get back Get back to where you once belonged Get back, get back Get back to where you once belonged Get back, Loretta Go home

Get back, get back Get back to where you once belonged Get back, get back Get back to where you once belonged Oooh...

Get back, Loretta
Your mama's waiting for you Wearing her high-heel shoes And her low-neck sweater Get back home, Loretta

Get back, get back Get back to where you once belonged Get back, get back Get back Oh, yeah

The Night Before (Beatles)

http://stream.ez-tracks.com/player2.swf?songid=19062&uid=0697175826&t=1" />http://stream.ez-tracks.com/player2.swf?songid=19062&uid=0697175826&t=1" width="302" height="91"quality="high" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" bgcolor="FFFFFF">

Free Music Downloads Free ringtones at EZ-Tracks.com

We said our goodbyes, ah, the night before. Love was in your eyes, ah, the night before. Now today I find you have changed your mind. Treat me like you did the night before.

Were you telling lies, ah, the night before? Was I so unwise, ah, the night before? When I held you near you were so sincere. Treat me like you did the night before.

Last night is a night I will remember you by.
When I think of things we did it makes me wanna cry. We said our goodbye, ah, the night before. Love was in your eyes, ah, the night before. Now today I find you have changed your mind. Treat me like you did the night before.

When I held you near you were so sincere.
Treat me like you did the night before.

Last nigh
t is a night I will remember you by. When I think of things we did it makes me wanna cry.

Were you telling lies, ah, the night before?
Was I so unwise, ah, the night before? When I held you near you were so sincere. Treat me like you did the night before, like the night before.


Back In the U.S.S.R. (Beatles)

Flew in from Miami Beach BOAC
Didn't get to bed last night
On the way the paper bag was on my knee
Man i had a dreadful flight

I'm back in the U.S.S.R.
You don't know how lucky you are boy
Back in the U.S.S.R.

Been away so long I hardly knew the place
Gee it's good to be back home
Leave it till tomorrow to unpack my case
Honey disconnect the phone

I'm back in the U.S.S.R.
You don't know how lucky you are boy
Back in the U.S.
Back in the U.S.
Back in the U.S.S.R.

Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out
They leave the West behind
And Moscow girls make me sing and shout
That Georgia's always on my my my my my my my mind.

I'm back in the U.S.S.R.
You don't know how lucky you are boy
Back in the U.S.S.R.

Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out
They leave the West behind
And Moscow girls make me sing and shout
That Georgia's always on my my my my my my my mind.

Show me round your snow peaked mountains way down south
Take me to your daddy's farm

Let me hear your balalaika's ringing out
Come and keep your comrade warm.

I'm back in the U.S.S.R. hey
You don't know how lucky you are boy
Back in the U.S.S.R


01 November, 2009

This Is It!!!!

Oke2, gw kemaren nonton di XXI PIM2 bareng ufal, ujang, adam...

Nonton film This Is It Michael Jackson.....


Tuh film cooooooooooolll abis....

Isinya ttg rehearsalnya Michael Jackson...

Sekarang dia udah meninggal sayang sekali....

Lagu2nya yg ada tuh: billie jean, smooth criminal, they don't care about us, beat it, thriller, the way you make me feel, man in the mirror, trus apalagi ya??? Lupa...

Tapi yg Billie Jean kurang mengesankan, moonwalknya ga banyak...

Keanya tuh kalo dulu jadi diadain konsernya, pasti cool abis dehh...

Saking kerennya gw sama tmen2 gw bilang film itu "nonton konser mj dengan 50.000,00"

Gyahaha... Kemaren jalan di PIM lumayan seru

Ini data pengunjung PIM yg keliatan dan kami amati:

Pake baju beatles: 10 orang
Anak labsky: 13 orang

Gyaaahhh... Sempet2nya lagi ngitungin...

Udah deh gini dulu thx....

Note: pas di pim gw beli 2 cd beatles... Beatles (1963-1966)sama beatles (1967-1969)... Lagunya lengkap tapi gaada within you without you sama twist and shout...-,-

Banana my Saviour

Hey folks! Sekarang gw mau cerita ttg sesuatu...

But before that, kemaren gw ke PIM nonton "this is it"nya Michael Jackson...

Trus2 tuh film ttg rehearsalnya mj & his crews dalam concert This is it...

Sayangnya dia udh meninggal... Hiks2..

Oiya, sebelom ke PIM, gw paskib abis itu silat abis itu renang brg ujang dan ufal...

Oke2, jadi dulu gw pernah sakit...

Trus gw sampe dirawat di rumah sakit...

Gw sampe diinfus segala...

Nah, gw tuh dirumah sakit diwajibkan makan2an lembek...

Dan gw itu benci bgt makan2an lembek mulai dari bubur, sereal, sampe gesper itu gw gamauuu makan...

Gatau kenapa enek2 gitu...

Akhirnya gw dikasih nasi tim...

Tapi lebih enek...

Akhirnya gw makan pisang aja... Hiyahiya...

Terus pas gw diinfus, posisi tangan gw lebih tinggi dari selang.... Jadinya darah ngalir gitu di selangnya... Aduheeey...

Terus2 akhirnya dgan makan pisang, gw bisa sembuh....

Udah lah gitu dulu... Thx yaaa...