19 Agustus, 2009


Gila.... KEnapa akhir2 ini gw ngerasa gw udah gak autis.... hmmm.... Ical, Nanda, Arkan, Farras, Ilman.... Missed Y'all....

Gw perasaan dulu suka banget yang namanya maen Star Wars Battlefront... Kenapa sekarang enggak...

Sejak pindah rumah.... Gw ngerasa beda... Keanya udah ga ada gw yang dulu... Yang seneng maen2.... Yang Autis... Yang Gila.... Yang suka jalan mundur di PIM...

hmm... yaudah deh....



16 Agustus, 2009

My Friends And Moi!! (Mys8Ace only....) Lathan Formasi Pelantikan 17809 La Linju!!!

Woke2... Ada yang nyadar sesuatu....??? Besok...?? Anyone...?? Beeehh... Payah....!!
Besok itu Indonesia ulang tahun cuuuyy!!! Aahhh, gak nasionalis lo pada... hmmmm

Eniwei..... berhubungan dengan saya: Paroezsa Szenov Adhierespatiehv... adalah seorang capsis.... (baca posting sebelomnya ttg Capol, nah, setelah Capol... gw menjadi capsis... Calon Pengurus OSIS)... besok, hari 17 boelan 8 tahoen 2009.... Kakak2 OSIS-MPK Sapta dengan Capsis-Capmpk Angkatan 8, akan melaksanakan kegiatan yang lebiihhh seruu daripada upacara bendera... (walopun gw prefer ikutan upacara, i dunno why...), Yaituuuuuu......




La Linju

(keanya ga misah kea bahasa spanyol gitu deh... linju??)

Lalinju adalah salah satu proses Siswa-Siswi Labschool yang terpilih untuk menjadi Calon Pengurus OSIS MPK, dan proses menegangkan untuk kakak2 OSIS MPK yaitu..........

Naik Jabatan (bagi Capsis-Capmpk) dan.... (oooohhh) Turun Jabatan (Bagi kakak2 OSIS-MPK)
Sedih, Menegangkan, Seru, Bahagia, Ectassy, Menggelegar.....

Yang pasti... kegiatannya tuh lari... dari menpora (biasanya satria mandala) sampe Labsky... Lumayan sih... katanya 8 kiloan... Seruuu!!!

Any way... yang namanya pelantikan... pasti ada gladi-nya dulu....

Pelantikannya tuh di Labsky... beberapa saat setelah habis lari....
Pokoknya, pelantikannya cool.. bikin formasi 7 Reflektif, terus pembacaan Surat Keputusan, Penyiraman, dan Tos pake tongkat (Terakhir buat kakak2 OSIS-MPK, Pertama buat Capsis-Capmpk)

-Maaaaf kalimat yang diatas tidak tersusun dengan rapihh!!! (Anyway.. Latihan Formasinya dilatih Marinir LOOOHH!!!)-

Okay, That's not our main Topic....
Our main Topic is about my new friend in 8th grade... (mys8Ace)

Ada beberapa orang sihh... Yang lainnya... Misah dulu.... Yang lewat ini so special... (REminder: 8A only...)

1. K.M Fauzan Nur Imami a.k.a Ujank a.k.a Kapal Motor

Tapi biasa gw panggil: Kemas

Kemas tuh.... mukanya.... mirip monyet yang di bali... lutunaaa!!!

Jago maen bulutangkis, englishnya oke, lumayan sering duduk brg gw.... Rambutnya spiky2 ga jelas gitu.... Suka sama anak kelas 7 namanya *sensor*

2. Naufal Rakhaviansyah a.k.a Upil Apian

ckckckc... Ufalll... Yang lagi Middle Finger.....

Upil ini... Anaknya mirip Russel di film UP... Suka fotografi... Suka ketawa ga jelas dan bikin ketawa orang lain...

ufal berkata: Steve yg di blues clues goblok ya... masa nanya... "Ini Blender atau Beruang?"

Wakakakak..... udah gitu ngelawaknya pas lagi UL Sejarah lagi... Untung gurunya (Bu Sari) juga ikutan ketawa... (wakakakakkkakakkakak)

3. Raditya Bayu Pramono Hatono A.k.A Bayou

Bayu paling kanan... Lagi nyengir Refleksi
Anak lugu, polos, baik... jangan diapa2in.... anak suci... cadel s..... lutunaaa...!!!

4. M. Tariq Ziyad dan Ghibran AL-Imran.....

Ga ada fotonya

Dipanggil Ziyad sama Gibbon

-Ziyad: Suka nanya pertanyaan yang ga penting, Lucu, polos, kalo ikut kuis dan gak dikasih bagian ngejawab... ngambek, suka ngasitau sesuatu yang kita udah tau (anak basi tapi lugu)

-Gibbon: Suka bikin nasi goreng enak banget sumpah demi allah.... Gara2 bisnisnya itu... sempet stress sendiri hampir mau nangis.... Anak lugu... Suka sama hewan2.... Punya peliharaan....

(Gibbon bisa dimasukin ke loker looooh!!!!! Praktiss!!!)

Lalu, anak2 cewek yang tergabung dalam grup:
Aku Dyah!!

Karena, pada saat Debat Caketum (baca posting Expo Ekskul)... Suporter Dyah banyak yang bikin stiker tulisannya: "Aku pilih Dyah dan Fachri"... Nah, Jiwa iseng gw muncul.... Gw sobek bagian "pilih, dan, Fachri" jadilah stiker: "Aku Dyah" yang rencananya gw tempelin ke arkan...

Setelah itu.... 3 orang cewek yang bakal muncul ini... duduk di belakang target gw yaitu Arkan....

Nah, setelah gw tempel.... Mereka bertiga ngeliat arkan ditempelin stiker "Aku Dyah"... ngakak2 mereka... terus arkan gak nyadar lagi.... ckckck
Grup "Aku Dyah":

Yealinzka (Via) sama Nindya juga Arsya (Bonar)

Nindya sama Via
Bonaar a.k.a Arsya
3 Orang 8A... selalu duduk berdekatan... suka ngelawak.... ngakak2 ga jelas... suka ngelucu... atau pas gw ngelucu mereka ketawa ngakak2....
I Think That's All Folks...
Salam Olahraga... Love #8 Love Peace!!!

Smoothy Criminality!! -MJ-

Smooth Criminal –MJ-

As He Came Into The Window
It Was The Sound Of A Crescendo
He Came Into Her Apartment
He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet
She Ran Underneath The Table
He Could See She Was Unable
So She Ran Into The Bedroom
She Was Struck Down, It Was Her Doom

Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK
Are You OK, Annie
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK
Are You OK, Annie
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie AreYou OK?
Are You OK, Annie?
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You Ok,
Are You Ok, Annie?

(Annie Are You OK?)
(Will You Tell Us That You're OK?)
(There's A Sign In The Window)
(That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)
(He Came Into Your Apartment)
(He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet)
(Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)
(You Were Struck Down)

(It Was Your Doom)

Annie Are You OK?

So, Annie Are You OK?

Are You OK Annie?

Annie Are You OK?

So, Annie Are You OK?

Are You OK Annie?

Annie Are You OK?

So, Annie Are You OK?

Are You OK Annie?

You've Been Hit By

You've Been Hit By -v A Smooth Criminal

So They Came Into The Outway

It Was Sunday - What A Black Day

Mouth To Mouth Resus - Citation Sounding Heartbeats - Intimidations

Annie Are You OK?

So, Annie Are You OK?

Are You OK Annie?

Annie Are You OK?

So, Annie Are You OK?

Are You OK Annie?

Annie Are You OK?

So, Annie Are You OK? A

re You OK Annie?

Annie Are You OK?

So, Annie Are You OK

Are You OK Annie?

(Annie Are You OK?)

(Will You Tell Us That You're OK?)

(There's A Sign In The Window)

(That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)

(He Came Into Your Apartment)

(He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet)

(Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)

(You Were Struck Down)

(It Was Your Doom)

(Annie Are You OK?)

(So, Annie Are You OK?)

(Are You OK Annie?)

(You've Been Hit By)

(You've Been Struck By - A Smooth Criminal)

Okay, I Want Everybody To Clear The Area Right Now! Aaow!

(Annie Are You OK?)

I Don't Know!

(Will You Tell Us, That You're OK?)

I Don't Know!

(There's A Sign In The Window)

I Don't Know!

(That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)

I Don't Know!

(He Came Into Your Apartment)

I Don't Know!

(Left Bloodstains On The Carpet)

I Don't Know Why Baby!

(Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)

I Don't Know!

(You Were Struck Down)

(It Was Your Doom - Annie!)

(Annie Are You OK?)

Dad Gone It - Baby!

(Will You Tell Us, That You're OK?)

Dad Gone It - Baby!

(There's A Sign In The Window)

Dad Gone It - Baby!

(That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)

Hoo! Hoo!

(He Came Into Your Apartment)

Dad Gone It!

(Left Bloodstains On The Carpet)

Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!

(Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)

Dad Gone It!

(You Were Struck Down)

(It Was Your Doom-Annie!) Aaow!!!

Billie Jean... Cool -MJ-

Billie Jean –MJ-

She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene

I said don't mind, but what do you mean I am the one

Who will dance on the floor in the round

She said I am the one, who will dance on the floor in the round

She told me her name was Billie Jean, as she caused a scene

Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one

Who will dance on the floor in the round

People always told me be careful of what you do

And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts

And mother always told me be careful of who you love

And be careful of what you do 'cause the lie becomes the truth

Billie Jean is not my lover

She's just a girl who claims that I am the one

But the kid is not my son

She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son

For forty days and for forty nights The law was on her side

But who can stand when she's in demand Her schemes and plans

'Cause we danced on the floor in the round

So take my strong advice, just remember to always think twice (Do think twice)

She told my baby we'd danced till three, then she looked at me

Then showed a photo my baby cried his eyes were like mine (oh, no!)

'Cause we danced on the floor in the round, baby

People always told me be careful of what you do

And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts

She came and stood right by me

Then the smell of sweet perfume

This happened much too soon

She called me to her room

Billie Jean is not my lover

She's just a girl who claims that I am the one

But the kid is not my son

Billie Jean is not my lover

She's just a girl who claims that I am the one

But the kid is not my son

She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son

She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son

Billie Jean is not my lover

She's just a girl who claims that I am the one

But the kid is not my son

She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son

She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son

She says I am the one

Billie Jean is not my lover

Billie Jean is not my lover

Billie Jean is not my lover

Billie Jean is not my lover

Billie Jean is not my lover